2011年8月28日 星期日

好學簡單 室內設計 軟體 - Total 3D Home Design Deluxe v8.0 鴻與 3d室內設計 室內設計 軟體資訊轉載

【Total 3D Home Design Deluxe v8.0】[豪華完整版][ISO][1.15GB][亲传][FF]

【檔案名稱】:Total 3D Home Design Deluxe v8.0 豪華完整版

Total 3D Home Design Deluxe v8.0 - ISO | 1.15GB


3D HOME(室內裝潢大師)是一個五星級的室內設計軟體,其方便的操作,強大的功能,逼真的3D演示,簡直令你愛不釋手!這一套是相當專業的 3D 室內設計軟體,國內外的許多設計師蜾蜬蜼蜪,穊稱稦稫都是使用本軟體來設計、DEMO 給客戶預覽哦!!

在這個 DIY (Do It Yourself,自己動手做) 盛行的時代穊稱稦稫,漆漫漠演您可想過自己著手進行室內設計?您買了預售屋,卻為屋內的裝潢大傷腦筋麼?看中一件新傢俱嫪嫥嫖嫭,潎漾漸漂卻不知如何擺設麼?想在頂樓加蓋,卻沒有隔間的概念麼?懷疑什麼褊褘褕裬,僔僚僰僨就是這片!!!
Total 3D Home Design Deluxe 是由著名的 Broderbund 公司 (就是製作 Living Book系列幼童教學光碟的那一家啦) 所發行的。您不但有現成的上千種傢俱可供挑選,更能立即轉為三度空間顯示,在虛擬空間中任意遊走 (請注意,絕絕對對是在 3D 即時影像中游走!)。

另外,Total 3D Home Design Deluxe 操作介面非常簡易,無論您是電腦遮罩詞語、業餘的CAD 玩家、專業室內設計師,都不可或缺此一軟體。

Broderbund 這次下定決心了,將旗下四個軟體整合在 Total 3D Home Design Deluxe 豪華版中,不僅可以讓你輕易地建立樓面佈置圖 (Floor Plans),甚至也可以將掃瞄進來的2D佈置圖直接在上面作業而不用自行重新繪製(這可是等了許久的功能,在3D Home的V2000年版就提過了,但是到了這一個版本才真的盼到了!!)。透過 Total 3D Home Design Deluxe ,你可以在事先的合理預算預估下,裝潢家中室內內部,透過系統所提供的,你可以選購超過2萬件的家俱物件,而要完成這些動作,超乎你想像中的容易!而且,系統提供你預算審計、裝潢設計、物件擺置等功能,你可以完全不須重覆載入其它程式即可在一套軟體內完成!NDW Studio 有了 Total 3D Home Design Deluxe 你可以輕鬆地將你改裝的想像具體化,讓你或你的客戶迫不即待地說 Yes! Just do it!

Total 3D Home™ separates itself from other products in its class since it is designed for you, rather than an architect. Previous design skills are not needed. Whether you are remodeling your house, decorating a room, or designing your dream home, the tools and inspiration you need are included. You'll have access to all the features you need without paying for features you don't want.

Easy-to-Use Professional-Quality Features
1,000+ Sample Home Plans -- Save time and money using a ready-to-build home plan.

Quick FloorPlan Designer -- Simply drag and drop SmartRoom™ Blocks to create complete rooms automatically.
Scan & Trace Blueprints -- Perfect for remodeling projects as you can add, delete, or move walls.
Color-Coded Floor Plan -- Easily identify furniture, appliances, windows, doors, and more in your design.
Video Tutorial -- Loaded with helpful tips, the comprehensive Video Tutorial walks you through starting, building, and viewing your plan.

Powerful Custom 3D Design Tools
Import Digital Photos -- Further customize your design by importing pictures into your design. Want to see how your favorite chair will look in your new living room? Just import a picture of it.

Custom Doors & Windows -- Choose from over 40 window and door designs. Then modify them to fit your design.
Easily Estimate Costs & Track Your Budget -- Create designs that fulfill your dreams and fit your budget. Automatically track estimated and actual costs for materials and labor.
Exclusive! Window Treatment Design Tool -- Wake up your windows! Try new ideas for shades, valances, panels, and more.
Millions of Design Combinations -- Choose from unlimited combinations of tiles, flooring, paint, wallpaper, bricks, and more.

High Quality 3D Imaging

Real-Photo™ Dynamic Imaging -- Total 3D Home's advanced photo-rendering transforms the look of a room using real photography.
Drag & Drop 3D Furniture & Objects -- Quickly decorate and furnish your home with life-like 3D objects.
20,000 Brand-Name Products -- No other software provides you with as many brand-name products as Total 3D Home. Visualize furniture, appliances, and other items in your plan before you buy them.
3D Kitchen & Bath Remodeling -- Designing the perfect kitchen or bathroom has never been easier. Try new fixtures, appliances, and cabinets in seconds. Then view it in 3D!
3D Bedroom & Living Room Makeovers -- Find a new style or look by quickly applying new colors, textures, and fabrics to furniture and floors.
Automatic Customizable Roofs -- Choose from Hip, Gable, Gambrel, Flat, Shed, or Mansard. Then adjust the angle and pitch for a custom design.

System Requirements
• Pentium® III or faster • Microsoft® Windows® 7, Vista, XP, Me, 2000 & 98SE • 128MB RAM; 256MB Recommended • 1.8 GB free hard-disk space (Min. Install) • 4X CD-ROM drive or faster (DVD-ROM if installing from a DVD) • SVGA 800x600 and higher display, High Color (16-bit) required; True Color (24 or 32-bit) supported • DirectX8® compatible video and sound cards

Printer support - Works with most black and white and color printers supported by Windows
Optional - Modem and Internet Service Provider for product downloads • Scanner or digital camera needed to import photos into the product
Format: ISO image DVD disc
Interface: English + Softonic
Activation: Not required

